Environmental Law and Policy - Bachelor’s course (MARE-VMU-P6)


Credits: 4.5 ECTS


Level: Bachelor



Description: The environment is borderless and therefore requires similar regulations to some extent. Each country has their own socio-economic system and may differ in the practice of environmental protection. The international treaties may help to harmonize those differences and resulting in various challenges for the governments all over the world.

The course reviews international laws and policies governing pollution and natural resources. Upon completion of the course, students will have broad knowledge concerning how environmental laws and policies work in the global context. The students will be able to understand the actual practices of international law and policies to protect the environment and natural resources.


Contents: The course consist of the following topics:

       1. Introduction to environmental law and policy

       2. Global air pollution

       3. Continental water resources

       4. Wetlands

       5. Biological diversity

       6. Endangered species

       7. Transboundary pollution

       8. Basel convention on Hazardous wastes

       9. Marine pollution and MPAs

       10. Problems of high seas, IMO and its typical treaties

                 11. Sustainability, green growth and blue shipping


Register for course: https://vmu.mobiedu.vn/dashboard/#/course/edit/431?tab=%23lesson